Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I shall not want...

After a few more mornings of Dylan procrastinating at the school gate and not wanting to go in and a few mornings on which he just refused to stay at school we made the decision to keep Dylan home next year. I went right to work researching various Pre School homeschooling curriculums and have now ordered a bunch of stuff which I am looking forward to receiving and unpacking once we get to Germany! :)

I feel at peace and relieved to have finally made this decision and look forward to this new role!

For Dylan and Elliot to continue to learn the local language I hope to be more free again to have our neighbor kids come over and play. We have neglected them somewhat these last few months due to busy schedules and sheer exhaustion but they are on my heart and we are often asked when they can come and play again.

Yesterday, we said goodbye to our two Germans who spent 10 months working with us. They should have arrived in Germany by now and I hope that all the things they experienced here will be a blessing to them for many years to come.

In 10 days we say good bye to two more people and then head into our final weeks preparing for our trip to Germany.

These last few weeks have been busy with a short term team, lots of things happening at the Day Care Center, and the emotional stress that I have experienced and so we are really ready for a break and looking forward to Germany. Although I suspect our time there will be busy, too. But the change of scenery will be refreshing, I am sure of that!

I have been encouraged and reminded over and over again these last few days that I do not have to be perfect - neither as a mom nor as anybody else. God alone is perfect and I am his beloved daughter and he is fully able to redeem all my mistakes and make good to come out of it all.

And so I am feeling more at peace and more hopeful than I have these last few weeks and am thankful for all that our Father gives so that we shall not want!

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