Saturday, July 19, 2008


We just got back today from our vacation at the Beach. Just wanted to post some photos before I head for bed. It was great to just do nothing, hang out, read, and spend time as a family. The boys enjoyed the sand although Elliot took a while to feel comfortable in the ocean. And Dylan had fun with some of the other kids.
Elliot in the backpack. We took a few bikerides which was fun!
Beautiful sunsets, so great to be back at the ocean and feel the breeze.
Our relaxed time at the beach reminded me why I love David so much - his exuberance and joy and the fun times we can have! He's a great Dad and the boys had LOTS of quality time with him this week!

But coming home is just as good! Every time we fly into our town and I look out the window and see the green hills and mountains, the road winding its way through scattered villages and rice paddies dominating large areas of the landscape I'm just so thankful to live here and long to make a difference!

Monday David leaves for a four day Trekk while I'm home with the boys. Still have lots to prepare for the newcomers joining us in September!

But for now, I'm holding on to my vacation feeling and will head off to bed!
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