Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It's Christmas!

At least in our house! Put up the tree yesterday and had the perfect weather for it - after a hot week it suddenly cooled down and rained yesterday so I had fun putting up decorations, feeling cold and listening to Christmas music. Love this time of year with candles and being able to cuddle without getting all hot and sticky!

This is our third week back and the boys have settled in well and have been way less challening these past few days. Maybe it's partly my attitude, too. I felt like I was just reprimanding and scolding them all day so I deliberately decided to enjoy them again and do fun things with them so that has helped.

Dylan is starting to enjoy helping me in the kitchen, chopping vegetables (he's only nicked his finger once so far!) and setting the table so that's cool! And Elliot does whatever Dylan does so he's underfoot in the kitchen, too.

Last week we celebrated Elliot's 2nd birthday and Ayden's 2 month birthday! Elliot is so cute, stubborn, still runs into doors or trips over things at least once a day, loves the cat and his brothers and is so sweet and gentle with Ayden even though he's usually not very careful. He's so different from Dylan and it's fun to watch his personality come out more and more!

Ayden is growing well and is still the easiest Baby, so contend (except when his tummy is bothering him) and very cute. He's smiling and responding and I'm glad he joined our family!

Here's a funny story about Dylan that I finally remembered long enough to write down somewhere: I took him and Elliot to the "supermarket" one of two places where we can buy fresh milk and dairy products and all other food items that delight our foreign heart. I just wanted to quickly run in and get some frozen chicken so they waited in the car. But the packets were all stuck together in the freezer and so it took longer than expected. When I finally got back into the car I explained why it had taken so long and that it was hard for the lady working at the store to get the chicken out of the freezer for me. And Dylan says: Yes, it needs a mens (a man) to do it. Mens are strong but ladies aren't. A mens could do it but a lady can't. :)

Photos will follow!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love these vivid descriptions of your life and kids. Here in Canada, all streets and markets are decorated with Christmas stuff; quite different sight from Laos, eh? It's good to hear that children are adjusting well to new life. Cool that Dylan started to help you in the kitchen! "Mens are strong but ladies aren't." Hahaha. What a smart boy to know it already! I can picture Elliot, the gentle cute little guy. And how I want to meet Ayden, the latest addition to your family! We miss you a lot!! We miss those days just hanging out, talking, and watching movies... :)