Monday, June 8, 2009

what can happen in the space of three years

Dylan is three years and three months old now and has been challenging in many ways. His favorite response is "No" to everything we want him to do (except when it comes to eating ice cream), his favorite toy is whatever Elliot is playing with at any given time of the day and he loves doing what we explicitly told him NOT to do just seconds before.

Friends of ours had a Baby boy three months ago and he is the most content and happiest little guy I have ever met - smiling and cooing and just delightful! But then, that's what people used to say about Dylan when he was just three months old, too. I still remember those days when he was happy and content and smiled a lot and I look at him now - a little man with a very strong will and who knows exactly what he wants and who really tests my patience on some days.

I must admit I've lost my temper a lot in the last few weeks and I always regret it right afterwards - or, at the latest, once I see Dylan sleeping peacefully in his bed after a long and trying day. But inbetween there are good days and many little things that remind me of why I love this kid.

And I do love him to pieces! No matter how often he brings out the worst in me.

It's been a good picture of how God loves me - no matter how trying I am, no matter how often I lose my cool, no matter how many mistakes I make, he still loves me faithfully and never loses his temper. And I never bring out the worst in him because he is only good and there is no evil in him. How amazing is that!

And so I strive to cherish even this season with Dylan because it IS just a season and will pass all too quickly. And with the help of my perfect Father I hope and pray that Dylan will look back on this time in his life and remember only happy days!

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