"Well that's a long way off. Are you having twins?" was her reply, obviously alluding to what she thinks is a big belly..."No, it's my third" was my curt answer.
But acutally I'm happy to be looking more and more pregnant! :) Throughout my pregnancies I have been worried and anxious and so now that I can feel Baby kicking around more and more I am starting to relax although my fears of losing this Baby during pregnancy will never fully go away. Part of it is due to miscarrying our first Baby before we had Dylan, an experience which shattered my naive approach to pregnancy and childbearing. Now I don't take anything for granted, even less when I glimpse the grief and heartache others have faced losing not just one Baby but miscarrying every Baby they have conceived or losing the Baby in their last month of pregnancy.
I'll never understand though I embrace these losses as part of life and a chance to draw closer to our God. And I rejoice over every kick and item of clothing that no longer fits!
So here is a picture of my belly, taken yesterday at almost 21 weeks:
oh my, you don't look like you're having twins! Eine andere Mutter bei uns im Kindergarten ist uebrigens auch schwanger und ziemlich genauso weit wie ich, sie ist aus der Schweiz und hat das gleiche Schwangerschaftsshirt das Du hast, wo "kicking feet" oder so drauf steht, das war nett, dann hab ich gleich an Dich denken muessen. Alles Liebste aus der Ferne, Nadja
Oh Natascha! I didn't know you were expecting again.. or hold on.. did I and did I forget??
Anyway, Congratulations!! I will be praying for you all five!
And thank you for your honest writing here.. I read back a few posts and can identify with some of things you mention. I know comfort is not supposed to be our goal.. but I do long for it sometimes too; and as for a baby taking up "my" time for "my" things.. well, that is a lesson I am still learning.
And yet, you are so right too: it is absolutely worth it!
Strength & grace to you!
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