It's been a weird week somehow and I have struggled with demotivation and feeling irritated at so many little things that make life here different and at times difficult. I have even thought longingly of Germany, something I would have never thought I would one day say.
But I'm feeling reinvigorated!
Last week, I went to visit a neighbor with my friend Beth from the US. She had met the lady before and had been invited back to learn how to weave. So I came along and we got to spin the thread of cotton onto a spool to be used for weaving. It was good to meet a neighbor and fun to learn more about one of the main handicrafts that has been passed along from one generation to the next for a long time now.
It's still raining like crazy here and I read that parts of the country are flooded and many farmers have lost their rice and corn crops. How will they get by?
Elliot's two top teeth have come through and now it almost seems as if he's showing them off, smiling and laughing and so content. It's so much fun watching him play and playing with him now, he makes me laugh a lot.
Dylan left his big business in our Asian squat toilet instead of his underwear for the first time yesterday evening and actually went to the bathroom himself for the first time today. I can't believe I'm getting THIS excited about someone else going to the bathroom but that is a milestone in a kid's (and parent's life). My little guy is really growing more and more independent with each day.
Well, not much else happening at the moment. I am thankful to be here and was reminded this morning, how we are to seek after, among other things, perseverance. I guess that's what I'm needing at this moment.
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