I've been reading a book on the writings and life of Francis of Assisi and was challenged once again in the issue of simplicity. What does it truly mean to live a simple lifestyle? Simplicity is a value that I do consider to be part of my valuesystem. But in real life how can I put it into practice?
The book has challenged me to consider and make a difference between my needs and my wants. That in all things and choices that I make I pause to ask myself: "Is this something that I really need or is just something that I want?"
The same is true for apparent needs like food - food is a need but meeting that need leaves room for choice.
Talked about it with David and he set to work uncluttering our house. We have so much stuff stashed away somewhere, partly because our helper, when cleaning up, doesn't know where to put it, partly also because even though we're not using it now we might need it sometime. So we keep it. But we now have a pile of things to give away and I hope to be able to put simplicity into practice on a daily basis more and more.
We're surrounded by people who's worldly belongings all fit into a plastic bag so it shouldn't be too hard to remind myself that not all my wants are a need.
The fellowship will be meeting here in an hour and my mom surprised me last night with booking a flight to come visit us next week! Very exciting!
The boys are taking a nap and we still have time for a coffee break before our guests arrive. :)
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