Friday, October 15, 2010

Ayden's 1st birthday

Long overdue here are pictures of Ayden's first birthday! He is such an independent and adventurous little guy and so different from his brothers. Before he could even walk he would wander outside and explore our yard. He figured out how to get up and down those stairs and climb on chairs and tables and all before he could even stand. BUT he did learn to stand at around 8 months and started walking at 10 months - also very different from his brothers. He's courageous and willing to take risks and I can totally see him go off on expeditions some day like Indiana Jones! We are so lucky to have this little man in our lives and thank God for Ayden Judah Chahaya Karim Theophil!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ayden looks like Elliot when he was younger. Cute!!