We've had 13 hour power cuts these last days and whenever the lights come back on in the evening I am so excited! And grateful that we have electricity almost all the time with just random cuts every once in a while. It's amazing how dependent I am on electricity for so many little things and how my daily life gets so disrupted when the power goes off.
Other than that we have been dealing with queasy tummys since Sunday. We assume it must be something we ate. The boys started threw up all Monday evening and into the night. David camped out on a mattress on the floor of the boys' room with Dylan while I camped out on the floor of our living room with Elliot. David and I both just had queasy stomachs and I am so glad we did not have to vomit ourselves. That would have been a lot worse.
Dylan was much better on Tuesday and went back to Pre School today though he did complain of a tummy ache this evening. Just hope we don't have another night like Monday. And Elliot has had a temperature and been whiny all day. But maybe it's just due to more teeth coming. I'm glad I feel lots better.
Tomorrow David leaves for meetings and will be gone till Sunday afternoon. I'm bracing myselfs for these days without him though I'll have support this time round as our intern will be staying with me and helping me with the boys. This, too, I am thankful for.
The weather has gotten REAL cold and with our Christmas tree and Christmas decorations up it does feel Christmasy, at least at home. I still marvel when I meet people who have never even heard of Christmas, even in our touristy town. A few weeks ago I went to the paper shop to buy some paper to cut out starts and the shopkeeper asked me what I was using it for. I said "Christmas" and he said "Oh, birthday." And I said "No, for Christmas!". And he said "Oh, happy new year". So that's what we settled on...
David's parents and sister are coming for Christmas which will be fun. And I get to go on a trip with Elliot to pick them up from the airport and that, too, I am looking forward to.
So there are many things to be thankful for. Even though I've had my usual ups and down these past few weeks I feel I am nevertheless content with life at the moment. Sure, there are areas in which I am not completely satisfied and that I wish I could change. But all in all I am thankful to be where I am even if it means spending an uncomfortable night with two puking boys.
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