David has been on his Trekk for two days now and comes back on Thursday. The boys are doing fine but I do miss him. Maybe more now because we've just come back from our time at the beach where we spent all our time together. I enjoyed that.
Anyways, I've added the photos from our vacation as a slideshow.
Last Sunday we had a guest speaker at our Fellowship who spoke, among other things, of how vital our presence in this country is. Just by being here, God's Spirit is here. We can intercede for these people like Abraham interceded for Sodom. But we have also been given a purpose, an identity and authority, just like Jesus had a purpose, identity and authority. We are the ones that God looks to here and I'm thankful for this privilege of being here and interceding for these people. I do hope and pray that my presence here will make a difference in the long run.
The boys are great! Elliot's top teeth are on the way so he has been fussy and clingy but he's still such a smiler and happy little guy. As he fell asleep in my arms just now he was laughing in his sleep. This afternoon, after Dylan woke up from his nap, we gave Linus a bath and Elliot burst out laughing when Linus jumped out of the tub and shook himself, spraying us all with water. Wish I'd filmed it, it was so funny!
Dylan's favorite phrase still is: "What's that?" and uses it to refer both to objects and people. :) It cracks me up when he says it really loudly and shrilly. "What's that?". Sometimes he answers the question himself: "That's a racecar." At dinner today he was playing with a yard stick that you can pull out and which rolls up again when you push a button and he said: "Wow, that's really cool!" Today I've noticed several things that he said in imitation of me so we really have to start to be extra careful with what we say.
Fun day!
1 comment:
ok - I didn't know I would have to sign in - everyone's blog is different. Anyway - loved the photos and the glimpse into who you are and what you do. You are a treasure, Natascha! Keep enjoying being a wife, mom, and you know what. Love, Marla
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