We have been in our new home for almost a month now! Our last days and weeks in our old home passed in a whirlwind and I was so glad when everything was finally packed and we got into our truck for the long trip down, happy knowing I would not have to make the return trip anytime soon! :) And it's not because I don't like the trip or driving up North, it's just a VERY LONG drive to make with three wriggly boys to entertain!
Life in the big city has been, hm, interesting. The heat and the traffic caught us off guard and it's amazing how much this city has changed in the years that we lived upcountry. It almost seems like an entirely different country.
Last week we had ice cream at an ice cream parlor, a common franchise in the neighboring country and was astounded at how packed the place was with locals! What a huge contrast to the people living in remote villages! There is a lot of wealth here in the city, an emerging youth culture and it just changes a nation in so many ways.
And I do miss the simplicity of our former life. Sure, we were lonely at times but all the options here are a bit overwhelming. There are playgroups, Bible studies, swimming classes, horseback riding and numerous other activities that could fill my calendar up really quickly! But I really want to invest myself and my time into the right activities so I'm kind of taking it slowly. I want our kids to know that we don't just live here because we love the country and people (which we do) but because ultimately we long for many of our friends and neighbors to meet our Father. So I am hesitant because I don't want us to end up being so busy enjoying an activity filled life that we won't have time to share Life anymore.
Moving always opens up new doors and windows of opportunity. It's a chance to redefine who you are and what you do and what you focus on. And so since moving here I have been thinking a lot about what opportunities I would like to make the most of. I have been trying to define what I am really passionate about and have found this to be an extremely difficult task. But I do know I am passionate about books and reading and so one of my new year goals has been to read at least one non-fiction book per month. Today I finished the second book of the year so I am way behind but both books have really challenged me in different ways and so I wanted to savor them.
This morning I finished reading 'The Irresistible Revolution' by Shane Claiborne. His vision of community and gentle revolution of love to change society has been sweet to read and though I've often had to smile (somewhat condescendigly I suppose) at his frequent usage of the word 'beautiful' and his almost naive approach to changing his neighborhood through sidewalk chalk, balloon animals and playing in water hydrants there is something in his writings that makes me want to believe that it is really THAT simple to love and share life and transform society. I often asked myself how I could make it work here (balloons definitely work to brighten up peoples' lives here) and in my life. I long to leave an impact, long to make a difference and I long for greatness, to do something so amazing that it will inspire people and make them want to write my life story! But then I came to the second to last chapter and a quote from Mother Teresa, one of my personal heroes, challenged my perspective: "We can do not great things, only small things with great love. It is not how much you do but how much love you put into doing it."
I've also been reading 'Heaven's Heroes' by David Shibley, a collection of short biographies of cross cultural workers, written for kids. As I read these life stories I'm amazed at the level of commitment that these individuals had and the great things they ended up doing, so great that their stories have been written down numerous times by a variety of people. But then it hit me that in their lifetime they did not seek greatness. All they wanted was to follow Jesus and to be faithful, to do the task he gave them well. They did whatever God asked them to do, and many times these things did seem to be small. But they did them with great love for those around them and so they ended up doing great things. I wonder if they realized in their lifetime how great those things really were.
And so once again I need to choose to follow Jesus today, to do small things with great love and to seek not the approval and admiration of men and women but the approval of Jesus so that one day I will hear Him say: "Well done, good and faithful servant".