Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goodbye Linus

Our 3 month old puppy Linus caught and ate a duck that made it into our yard last Thursday and somehow his intestinal system could not handle it. He got sick on Friday and got weaker and weaker, not able to keep anything inside of him and this morning I found him lying dead on the lawn.

I could never understand people who made a huge fuss over their pets and I feel silly crying over losing him but he was such a pretty little puppy and I'm sad that I won't be able to watch him grow. I actually miss him. And still feel silly for writing this. So this is goodbye Linus...

It's still raining and our lawn has turned into a swamp. Ants are everywhere and this weather seems to be sucking up all my energy. David came home from his Trekk Thursday evening and I was so glad to see him. He was a bit sick for a few days and is still not 100% well but it's still good to have him back.

Read a chapter in "The Signature of Jesus" last Friday at my coffeeshop outing. Brennan Manning writes about American culture but I guess it's applicable to many Western cultures and how this culture is contrary to the message that Jesus taught. Being a radical disciple of Jesus means to be like him, to be transformed rather than to conform, even if it means that we will be unlike the culture that we live in. Jesus' "culture" seems so easy in a way and so desirable - purity of heart, simplicity of life, obedience to the gospel, being peacemakers - and lead to the experience of real community as the early church experienced it.

It is hard to live my life based on the revelation of Jesus rather than the dogma of my culture, especially regarding simplicity of life and a radical dependence on God's providence.

Brennan Manning writes: "Naturally the countercultural lifestyle - simplicity of life, purity of heart, and obedience to the gospel - will take us to the same place that it took Jesus: the Cross. All roads lead to Calvary, for we preach Jesus Christ crucified - a stumbling block to Jews, an absurdity to Gentiles; but to those who are called, Christ the power and the wisdom of God."

When people see my life I do hope they see the evidence of Jesus in me - purity of heart, simplicity of life and obedience to the gospel.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Home alone again

David has been on his Trekk for two days now and comes back on Thursday. The boys are doing fine but I do miss him. Maybe more now because we've just come back from our time at the beach where we spent all our time together. I enjoyed that.

Anyways, I've added the photos from our vacation as a slideshow.

Last Sunday we had a guest speaker at our Fellowship who spoke, among other things, of how vital our presence in this country is. Just by being here, God's Spirit is here. We can intercede for these people like Abraham interceded for Sodom. But we have also been given a purpose, an identity and authority, just like Jesus had a purpose, identity and authority. We are the ones that God looks to here and I'm thankful for this privilege of being here and interceding for these people. I do hope and pray that my presence here will make a difference in the long run.

The boys are great! Elliot's top teeth are on the way so he has been fussy and clingy but he's still such a smiler and happy little guy. As he fell asleep in my arms just now he was laughing in his sleep. This afternoon, after Dylan woke up from his nap, we gave Linus a bath and Elliot burst out laughing when Linus jumped out of the tub and shook himself, spraying us all with water. Wish I'd filmed it, it was so funny!
Dylan's favorite phrase still is: "What's that?" and uses it to refer both to objects and people. :) It cracks me up when he says it really loudly and shrilly. "What's that?". Sometimes he answers the question himself: "That's a racecar." At dinner today he was playing with a yard stick that you can pull out and which rolls up again when you push a button and he said: "Wow, that's really cool!" Today I've noticed several things that he said in imitation of me so we really have to start to be extra careful with what we say.

Fun day!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


We just got back today from our vacation at the Beach. Just wanted to post some photos before I head for bed. It was great to just do nothing, hang out, read, and spend time as a family. The boys enjoyed the sand although Elliot took a while to feel comfortable in the ocean. And Dylan had fun with some of the other kids.
Elliot in the backpack. We took a few bikerides which was fun!
Beautiful sunsets, so great to be back at the ocean and feel the breeze.
Our relaxed time at the beach reminded me why I love David so much - his exuberance and joy and the fun times we can have! He's a great Dad and the boys had LOTS of quality time with him this week!

But coming home is just as good! Every time we fly into our town and I look out the window and see the green hills and mountains, the road winding its way through scattered villages and rice paddies dominating large areas of the landscape I'm just so thankful to live here and long to make a difference!

Monday David leaves for a four day Trekk while I'm home with the boys. Still have lots to prepare for the newcomers joining us in September!

But for now, I'm holding on to my vacation feeling and will head off to bed!
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An Elelephant

Went to visit "an Elelephant", as Dylan calls them, last week with David's English Class. I didn't really get to see them cause my group was too slow getting from the boat to the elephants but at least we got to go on the boat which Elliot loved as well.
Amber and Dylan, not quite sure what to think of the elephant.
Dylan making new friends.
Who's the man? I'm the man! What's up?
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Mealtimes 2

The things you do as a parent!

Where's Elliot?
There he is!
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What I love about living here is that there is an amazing array of fruits to be sampled: here is Elliot having just eaten red Dragon Fruit!

What's even better is having a helper who cuts up the fruit for us every day and arranges it on a plate for lunch! Dylan loves that, too!
New tastes!
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The Beach

Tomorrow at 6 am we leave our house and catch the flight to Bangkok at 8am. We should arrive before 10 am and then either we'll take the train or a public van to Prachuap, South of Bangkok. We have about 5 days at the beach before heading back to Bangkok.
I'm looking forward to this trip. This is our first real family vacation so it's doubly exciting!

Yesterday we met with a French lady who opened up a Montessori Kindergarden here and Dylan will begin attending the Kindergarden from September 1st onward. I can't believe he's already so big! I've been looking through old photos for his Scrapbook and it just amazes me to see how he's grown and changed in just such a short time. And now it's a first step to releasing him into more independence. Got all teary-eyed when it suddenly struck me that this is real...Hey, it's just Kindergarden!
I know he'll love it! He's been a bit bored, I think, because it's been raining almost continously so the neighborhood kids haven't been around to play much. And his other Expat friend has been out of town and busy so he's had to hang out with us all the time. So Kindergarden with lots of kids to play with will be great!

But first it's time for The Beach! I'll ride a wave for you!

Friday, July 4, 2008


Spent some time reading at my coffeeshop this afternoon after I put the boys down for their naps and David got home from his last day of Summer School! Wahoo!
My Online Bible Course at the moment is on the Gospel and how it is the whole Gospel for my whole life, from beginning to end. It doesn't just apply to my first time decision to follow Jesus but it is still relevant to my journey of faith today.
The Cross plays a central role in it all. The crucified Christ - the Son of God who loves me and gave himself for me. How amazing.
Read Brennan Manning's book "The Signature of Jesus" and he too writes about the Cross and how to be a radical disciple means to live the kind of life that Jesus lived, who chose the Cross. And at the same time knowing that our roots, our identity, do not depend on our popularity, success or possessions but in knowing that we are loved.
"Yet to the extent that we embrace the truth that our core identity is not rooted in our success in ministry or in our popularity with kids and parents or with power in the local church, but in the passionate, pursuing, infinite - what G.K. Chesterton called the "furious" love of God embodied in his crucified Son - to that degree we can let go of our need to judge our friends, spouses, children, pastors, gays, straights, Asians, Caucasians, and the sin-scarred wino on the street. We can be free from the need to judge others by claiming for ourselves the truth, "I am the disciple whom Jesus loves." (Brennan Manning, The Signature of Jesus)

I am thankful for the reminder of what it's really all about, what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. A reminder of the price that Jesus paid, something I take for granted most of the time. It's so easy for me to get caught up in my own little world, my own needs and wants and desires, my own little problems. So I'm thankful for this shift in perspective. And am thankful to be here and to be invited to participate in all that He is doing. Even here.


Elliot is now crawling around the room and we have to start Baby proofing our house again. He can also sit up on his own. Learned it all in the last few days. It keeps astounding me how much these little guys learn and accomplish in the first year. They say that you will never again learn as much in the same space of time.
Kind of depressing! :)
I enjoy watching Dylan and Elliot learn on a daily basis, just by being kids and doing the stuff that kids do.

Today is David's last day of Summer School. Then we are free till September, at least free from teaching. We still have a lot to do otherwise. Next week we'll be flying to Thailand, for shopping, doctor's visits and some time at the beach. Looking forward to that.