I could never understand people who made a huge fuss over their pets and I feel silly crying over losing him but he was such a pretty little puppy and I'm sad that I won't be able to watch him grow. I actually miss him. And still feel silly for writing this. So this is goodbye Linus...
It's still raining and our lawn has turned into a swamp. Ants are everywhere and this weather seems to be sucking up all my energy. David came home from his Trekk Thursday evening and I was so glad to see him. He was a bit sick for a few days and is still not 100% well but it's still good to have him back.
Read a chapter in "The Signature of Jesus" last Friday at my coffeeshop outing. Brennan Manning writes about American culture but I guess it's applicable to many Western cultures and how this culture is contrary to the message that Jesus taught. Being a radical disciple of Jesus means to be like him, to be transformed rather than to conform, even if it means that we will be unlike the culture that we live in. Jesus' "culture" seems so easy in a way and so desirable - purity of heart, simplicity of life, obedience to the gospel, being peacemakers - and lead to the experience of real community as the early church experienced it.
It is hard to live my life based on the revelation of Jesus rather than the dogma of my culture, especially regarding simplicity of life and a radical dependence on God's providence.
Brennan Manning writes: "Naturally the countercultural lifestyle - simplicity of life, purity of heart, and obedience to the gospel - will take us to the same place that it took Jesus: the Cross. All roads lead to Calvary, for we preach Jesus Christ crucified - a stumbling block to Jews, an absurdity to Gentiles; but to those who are called, Christ the power and the wisdom of God."
When people see my life I do hope they see the evidence of Jesus in me - purity of heart, simplicity of life and obedience to the gospel.